Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. That’s how the old adage goes and it’s only a primer for the discussion about what the COVID-19 “pandemic” actually was. Some 3.5 years after it began, most of America has yet to discern, reconcile and accept the horrifying reality of a so-called “pandemic.” Since early January 2020, I’ve been hollering that COVID-19 is enterprise fraud prosecutable under RICO statue; subsequently writing about 450 articles on the subject. I was never fooled and there is no shame to bear; just regrets that no one listened to the truth.
No one was saying that when I said it.
No one was saying what I put in writing when I wrote it.
It’s not even close.
I vetted my own work for well over a year looking for others rendering the same analysis and findings and it didn’t exist.
That analysis stood alone at the time and it was laser accurate right from the beginning; aging well like a fine wine.
The COVID-19/RICO analysis at Moonshine came to serve a team of Oregon State Senators, doctors, judges, attorneys, investigators and researchers in our effort to redress COVID-19 as a construct of enterprise fraud with our federal grand jury petition filed in the Ninth Circuit.
Aspects of the COVID-19 analysis at Moonshine are attached to the federal grand jury petition and other COVID-19 litigation as evidentiary exhibits.
Our team’s federal grand jury petition goes down Constitutional lanes including fundamental tenets of government like separation of powers and the First Amendment.
Therein, we seek to circumvent problematic aspects of bar law in a judiciary that is fully rigged in service to the same traitors and miscreants that leveraged our own federal apparatus against us to install the COVID-19 construct as a mechanism of slavery via medical tyranny borne out of a fraudulent construct [cooked-up infection and mortality data.]
It was and continues to be a “pandemic” of fraudulent data – hard and full stop.
There is no other valid explanation and anyone thinking otherwise is just flat-out and plain wrong – another hard and full stop.
Our team’s federal grand jury petition case is on rails to reach the Supreme Court and when it does, so does the analysis at Moonshine.
Why am I rehashing all of this?
The answer is for all of America: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
And I’m talking to America writ large and specifically those who have yet to reconcile the truth about the COVID-19 “pandemic.”
No one listened back in early 2020 and few listened beyond that.
More listen now, but not enough.
Between immediate and significant censorship, shadow-banning and outright banning altogether, which carries through to today, every communication platform that matters was removed as a tool to communicate the truth.
No one really got the message because no one was really looking for it.
The ones that did mostly hollered, “conspiracy theorist!” to which I replied, “SLAVE!”
The hallmark of the slave is an ability to think independently and critically while swilling and regurgitating the Kool-Aid of state-sponsored propaganda.
When confronted, the slave unwittingly presents “fact checking” and “sourcing” from the same propagandists as a rebuttal to the unvarnished truth so as to remain in lockstep on the march to enslavement.
Once the enterprise fraud angles of COVID-19 were properly identified and evidenced in early 2020 going forward, I began stating two things that I’ve branded as my two favorite dead horses to kick; having kicked them hundreds and hundreds of times:
In January 2023, I even dedicated an entire article to these two dead horses: COVID-19 Is Never Going Away and These People Will Never Stop Until They Are Made to Stop.
I’ve even written a piece and referenced in countless other articles how no one listened despite the incessant truth hollering: The Eleven Days That Could Have Altered History and Prevented the Present but No One Listened.
On 18 Sep 22, Joe Biden said, “The pandemic is over,” but it wasn’t.
On 11 May 23, Joe Biden formally ended the COVID-19 “pandemic,” but he didn’t.
On 18 Aug 23, The Gateway Pundit reported that the Biden administration is going to reinstate COVID-19 restrictions beginning with mask mandates as “COVID cases” rise.
COVID-19 is never going away and these people will never stop until they are made to stop.
Dead horses kicked. Again.
For years, I’ve been analyzing and evidencing how the COVID-19 construct will be refreshened with a new variant to maintain an established system of enslavement delivered by medicaly tyranny.
It’s here now.
Let’s plug in the other variables that are critical for comprehension:
In a repeated pattern with 2020, we’re running into an election year
In a repeated pattern with 2020, Joe Biden isn’t even campaigning because the steal is already in play
In a repeated pattern with 2020, the clear front-runner [Trump] is being targeted and removed in multifaceted operations that includes another fraudulent “pandemic”
In a repeated pattern with 2020, fictitious “new cases” that can be whipped-up out of thin air with misapplied and manipulated rtPCR tests replaces the gold standard measurement for pandemics – mortality [dead people]
In a repeated pattern with 2020, a new “variant” is being introduced to drive the fraud construct since SARS-CoV-2 has expired its utilitarian value and effectiveness as a viral contagion [few are scared of the old boogeyman anymore so a new one is required for plugging into the existing construct]
In a repeated pattern with 2020, the “pandemic” that is now being introduced with pretext will progressively take hold and become exacerbated as we encroach on the election; and so as to intercede on that election to rig the result
COVID-19 is never going away and these people will never stop until they are made to stop.
This is especially so in an election year.
This is especially so right now.
John and I are teammates and yes, I “called it from the very beginning” with laser accuracy.
I’m a trained and seasoned investigator and analyst who follows the evidence and logically deduces meaning from it with Occam’s as the primary lens.
As the best indicator of the truth, the evidence doesn’t lie even when it’s difficult to discern, reconcile and accept; and that’s America’s primary task here.
The COVID-19 “pandemic” is a construct of enterprise fraud.
That will never change and it will never go away until the American people do something about it.
With the election nearing the pretext is clear and we’re going down the exact same path as 2019 into 2020 and to the present.
Very few even heard me the first time.
Even fewer listened.
I continue to holler hoping more will hear me this time and as I do, I’m screaming,
“For God’s sake America, don’t fall for this bullshit again.”
Above all else, America, it comes down to this: you get what you tolerate.
Since day one the arduously evidenced message has been crystal clear and it remains steady and unwavering today.
To America, I say this:
Fool you once, shame on you – you were told.
Fool you twice, shame on you – you’re a slave.
Rediscover your revolutionary roots, America, and quit tolerating anything that isn’t pure and unmitigated independence, freedom and liberty.
Or, enjoy your enslavement.
It’s binary, now.
The choice is yours.
Choose wisely.
Know that until you make that decision, COVID-19 is never going away, these people will never stop until they are made to stop and you are nothing but a piece of enslaved chattel owned by others because its tolerated when they impose their will on the people.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue doing what we’ve been doing this whole time – living independently, freely and in the spirit of liberty; patiently waiting for the rest of you to figure it out and come the right side of history.
That patience is now gone and we’re still waiting.
Decide before it’s too late and we reach a point that every decision hereafter will be made for us by others.
If people's jobs are threatened, they will capitulate. There are not enough of us to fight the govt machine.
I do not think we will go down the same path. We may find ourselves in the same place or worse. But we will not get there by way of the same path.
Because those of us who tried to reason with the sheep will not make that same mistake again.