Kamala Harris Slipping Into the Executive Through the Back Door Is Overshadowed by Problematic Background, Ties to Bidens and CEFC China Energy Company, Intel Community Targets Pence
An article examining the problematic background of Kamala Harris
To the discerning eye, there is much in the way of Kamala Harris’ problematic background that overshadows her back door entry into the Executive as I postulated in my reporting on the 2020 election. At that time, I assumed two positions that are now manifesting amidst the chaos, turmoil and unmitigated corruption and crime embroiling the Biden Administration and leading to Biden’s constructed exit. That is being orchestrated by the intelligence community, just like President Richard Nixon’s exit was and now it enmeshes none other than former Vice President Mike Pence. More on that momentarily.
The Contextual Backdrop
My evidenced positions hold that: 1-Joe Biden is merely a placeholder who was brought-in to do the heavy lifting and dirty work until his usefulness and viability were completely expended and 2-Kamala Harris’ appointment as Biden’s running mate was a direct circumvention of the electoral process to install a failed presidential candidate into the Executive through the back door for the purpose of Harris serving as an Obama functionary in Obama’s third term. That’s old Moonshine distilled long ago.
There is a substantial amount of analysis behind these old positions and to keep things manageable for this article, we accept one fact set on its face, which is that the intelligence community is currently engaged in the constructed removal of Joe Biden as President of the United States, and we present these articles for contextual backdrop:
The first article recapitulates new and old analysis while delineating the entanglements of U.S. President Joe Biden and his sired bag man Hunter Biden with the CEFC China Energy Company, which is imperative for comprehensive understanding in this article.
The second article closely examines a “white supremacy” bill recently introduced by Sheila Jackson Lee that overlays an anti-lynching bill introduced by then Senator Kamala Harris in 2018, which was signed into law by Joe Biden in March 2022. Harris’ anti-lynching bill paves the way for “slavery reparations” in the redistribution of U.S. taxpayer money along racial lines.
For those caring to go deeper, I also recommend the following three recent articles below that rest on existing intensive examination of Chinese doctrine. The articles cover the Biden operation once based out of the China funded Penn Biden Center. That operation functioned to traffic sensitive, classified and top secret U.S. information to the Chinese and presumably other hostile foreign nations.
Before getting to those articles, it’s important to remember that the illegally retained classified documents overlap Biden’s two epicenters of crime, corruption and treason: Ukraine and China. Since my initial reporting on this, a fourth tranche was identified at the Biden’s Wilmington residence where “The White House revealed that “six items” with classification markings were discovered after an exhaustive 13-hour search of the president’s Delaware home.” [Yahoo News]
Then a fifth Biden tranche was discovered, “An astonishing fifth trove of classified documents was discovered in the president’s Delaware mansion Friday, not by his own lawyers this time, but during a more thorough, 13-hour search by the Department of Justice while he holed up in his beach house in Rehoboth, which ought to be next on the DOJ search list.” [NY Post]
The reporting from the NY Post confirming the Ukraine and China overlaps is important linkage for this article since Joe and Hunter Biden’s private equity deal with the CEFC China Energy Company entangles them with Patrick Ho, “the fucking spy chief of China,” as Hunter once proclaimed. In that arrangement two things are important to remember: 1-Hunter Biden was serving as counsel to CEFC chairman Ye Jianming, which presents a shield of attorney-client privilege to overlay the trafficking of classified information and more and 2-the now defunct CEFC China Energy Company was the economic arm to China’s primary hegemonic doctrine, One Belt, One Road, or the Belt Road Initiative [BRI], which underpins all that China does. Furthermore, the political arm of BRI is the CCP and its all backed by the PLA. The intensive examination of Chinese doctrine has been critical to all of this.
On the Ukraine front, the NY Post piece drags the Hunter Biden Burisma deal back into the picture recalling that back on 01 Jun 21, I assumed a position that no one else had: energy was being used as the conduit to illegally launder and move money around the globe. I discovered this modus operandi dressed-up as bilateral diplomatic relations that were being used in rinse/repeat fashion by chasing Obama’s energy point man, Joe Biden, all over the globe as he brokered one energy deal after another. I detailed it all in this substantial article: Follow the Money.
The NY Post reports that, “Hunter also had free rein in his dad’s White House office, and his privileged access meant his name never showed up on visitor logs. For instance, he took the infamous photo of his then-“best friend in business,” Devon Archer, with his father in the VP’s office in April 2014, shortly before the pair joined the board of the corrupt Ukrainian oil company Burisma, which paid Hunter $83,000 a month. That photo ended up briefly on the Burisma website before being taken down on the instructions of a White House lawyer.”
Here are those recent backdrop articles.
Mike Pence
Before advancing on to Kamala Harris’ problematic background that entangles directly with Biden’s corruption in China; and to evidence the breakneck speed by which the intelligence community is expediting Biden’s removal, consider this development that broke as I author this piece: Around a dozen classified documents found in Mike Pence’s Indiana home: report.
The NY Post reports that, “Around a dozen classified documents were found last week at the Indiana home of former vice president Mike Pence, CNN reported Tuesday. The report, which cited multiple sources familiar with the matter, said that the FBI and Justice Department’s National Security Division have launched a review of the documents, which a lawyer for Pence turned over to the FBI, and how they ended up in the former vice president’s home.”
Pence was entirely complicit in the operation by the intelligence community and China to install Biden as an illegitimate president and Chinese proxy by means of a “pandemic” of enterprise fraud that delivered the stolen 2020 election allowing the mission objective to be accomplished. The aggregate of these political tactics is textbook Bolshevism that is being executed by Marxist communists and let us not forget that communists always tie-up loose ends by ridding themselves of those they co-opt; whatever that may look like.
Now, the intelligence community is ridding itself of Pence.
Lest we not forget that on the fateful date of 07 Jan 21, which was the day after the Capitol “insurrection” entrapment operation executed by the intelligence community, the FBI and then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a traitorous Mike Pence leveraged his capacity as president of the U.S. Senate to confirm the stolen 2020 “election,” install Joe Biden and effectively remove a sitting U.S. president from office in Donald J. Trump.
Currently, that same intelligence community is eliminating Mike Pence just as Marxists do. Perhaps Mike Pence is now thinking that had he possessed the rigid spine and intestinal fortitude to stand-up tall on 07 Jan 21, reject the stolen election, refuse to confirm the vote and defend the same U.S. Constitution that made him president of the Senate and positioned him in this unique capacity, he’d be an American hero; not the traitor he clearly is.
What do they have on Mike Pence? Why did he cooperate? Rhetorical questions. There are no “re-dos,” Mike.
One quick sidebar – Who are these attorneys that are clearly co-opted by the intelligence community? What are their backgrounds and entanglements? What we clearly have is attorneys coming out of the woodwork to surrender stashes of illegally retained classified documents in an orchestrated fashion that makes criminals of their clients. That much is undeniable. It seems they don’t want Pence running in 2024. That much is also undeniable.
Problematic Background of Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris’ problematic background goes in several directions and we’ll focus on two: 1-President Trump’s assertions that Harris has citizenship concerns that preclude her from holding office in the same fashion as Obama and 2-entanglements with the CEFC China Energy Company.
Harris’ other background components include her peculiar familiar relationships overlaid by her affair with San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, thus representing the modus operandi for Harris to begin climbing her way to the Vice Presidency between the sheets.
Harris and Brown met around 1993 when Brown had turned 60 and Harris was 29. Brown was a prominent lawyer and civil rights leader who served as the speaker of the California assembly for 15 years. Brown was regarded as one of the State’s most influential legislators and in his capacity of State Assembly Speaker, he appointed Harris to the unemployment insurance appeals board and California medical assistance commission providing Harris the interface to associate with California’s most politically influential figures.
Harris went on to become California attorney general in 2010 before getting elected to the U.S. Senate in 2016.
Harris went on to marry entertainment lawyer Doug Emhoff making for peculiar familial relations that you can learn more about here:
In 2012 while serving as California’s AG and despite recommendations from the California Department of Justice to file a civil enforcement action, Harris sidestepped bringing charges against OneWest Bank for “widespread misconduct” when foreclosing homes. Harris declined to prosecute the bank or its then-CEO Steven Mnuchin, who went on to serve as President Trump’s Treasury secretary after serving as chief information officer at Goldman Sachs.
According to Forbes, “A gang made up of some of Wall Street’s biggest names and formed by former Goldman Sachs partner Steve Mnuchin is set to realize a big score from the sale of OneWest Bank to CIT Group for $3.4 billion. Hedge fund billionaires John Paulson and George Soros were part of the group that together with buyout baron Christopher Flowers and billionaire Michael Dell bought the assets in 2009 of the former IndyMac, one of the nation’s largest bank failures ever, from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which had seized its assets. The group paid $1.55 billion for the bank in the teeth of the financial crisis.”
Kamala Harris then went on to enjoy an endorsement for vice president by George Soros vis-a-vis his son, Alexander Soros. The Soros entanglements also tie directly back to the “white supremacy” angles I delineated in the previous article linked above that directly overlay Harris. It’s found in this statement from Alexander Soros: “My father, George Soros, is white supremacist’s favorite target. But they won’t stop us. Mass protests being blamed on Jews is textbook white supremacy.” This evidence backs another of my existing positions that Harris was installed as Biden’s running mate rather than Biden making that selection for himself.
Harris’ troubling Soros entanglements even extend to the stolen 2020 election where Press California reports, “Two prominent California Democrats have troubling ties with a George Soros funded election ‘integrity’ organization. Sen. Kamala Harris is one, laying the groundwork to giving the organization a toe hold in the state. Another is Sec. of State Alex Padilla, who is in charge of California elections. It seems the Soros group will have a hand in any audits of votes in battleground states, as well as California.”
Observer takes Harris’ Soros entanglements back to 2017,
Billionaire George Soros held a closed door conference with wealthy donors in November 2016 that addressed how to “take back power” and was attended by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. On the weekend of Trump’s inauguration, David Brock hosted a retreat for the most prolific Democratic donors to figure out how to “kick Donald Trump’s ass.” On July 15, Page Six reported that Sen. Kamala Harris, a potential 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, met with top Clinton donors in the Hamptons. Many figures in Clinton’s inner circle attended, including Clinton’s 2008 Campaign National Finance co-Chair Michael Kempner, donors Dennis Mehiel and Steven Gambrel, and Democratic National Committeeman Robert Zimmerman. Harris also attended a separate luncheon hosted by one of Clinton’s top lobbyist bundlers, Liz Robbins.
Harris’ meetings with Clinton’s donors signal that they are rallying behind her as the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee. Harris has emerged as a leading figure in the Trump Resistance; Politico reported that the hearings regarding Trump’s connections to Russia have enabled the Democratic Party to frame her as Trump’s most aggressive critic. In response to one of the hearings she was involved in, she launched the slogan “courage not courtesy.” However, despite this catchy slogan, Harris has historically lacked the courage to hold her donors accountable when they have broken the law.”
Recall that “Russian collusion” was an entirely fraudulent creation of Hillary Clinton and her 2016 campaign that was approved by then President Obama. Therein, Harris is deeply enmeshed as installed by the Clinton-Soros cohort making her wittingly complicit in all of it.
Moreover, astonishingly and according to a new report, one of the architects of “Russian collusion” who is, “A former top FBI counterintelligence official – in fact, the guy who received the tip that supposedly kicked off the Trump-Russia investigation – has been arrested and charged with violating US sanctions on Russia by taking secret payments from a Russian oligarch in order to investigate another oligarch. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan charged Charles McGonigal, former special agent in charge of the FBI’s New York counterintelligence desk, with taking secret payments from Oleg V. Deripaska – which violated US sanctions by agreeing to help the Russian billionaire, who himself was indicted last year on sanctions charges. McGonical notably retired in 2018.” [Zero Hedge]
Deripaska ties back to even more old reporting, which you can read here – Senate Rats Scurry to Burrow Out Safe Spaces – relative to “Russian collusion,” the genesis of it as found in the Steele Dossier and right down to Julian Assange:
Also notice how Manafort’s name presents in relation to Deripaska, for whom Christopher Steele was employed. Note that Adam Waldman was representing both Deripaska and Steele. So a Russian, Deripaska, was represented by Adam Waldman and employing Christopher Steele, Waldman’s other client; while Deripaska was a sub-source for the fraudulent Steele dossier. All of this ties to Manafort who was previously enmeshed with the Podestas, who are Clinton acolytes and thoroughly corrupt. All of that frames Warner’s text messages with Waldman. Small world, eh? SOURCE
Note here the mutual concern between Waldman and Warner that Julian Assange may drastically impact the Obama administration and Brennan’s CIA thus reflecting on their motives for engaging in apparent cover-up operations and obviously due to their own complicity in it.
Political Moonshine
With “Russian collusion” being a Clinton-devised and Obama-approved construct that enmeshes a Soros-backed Harris, Obama’s familiarity with Harris extends back to at least 2013 as the “woke” president violated his own woke doctrine: “In 2013, President Barack Obama was recorded referring to Harris as the “best-looking attorney general in the country.” He later apologized after critics labeled the comment as sexist.” [Politico]
Harris’ wittingly direct involvement in “Russian collusion” includes the time, “She went viral in 2017 for her sharp questioning of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions on the Russia investigation. After 3½ minutes of persistent questioning, Sessions said, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous.” [Politico]
Harris’ “Russian collusion” involvement wittingly extended to Brett Kavanaugh when, “She implemented a similar strategy of questioning during Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2018, when she grilled him about whether he’d discussed the Mueller investigation with anyone.” [Politico]
The Citizenship Issue
Rightfully so, President Trump was a staunch critic of Harris throughout the campaign for 2020 but one angle emerged in a particularly concerning way to overlap Obama. It centered on Harris’ citizenship status and whether she qualifies to be president [or vice president] because of it. I covered this at the time leaving the final verdict on Harris’ citizenship undetermined. This is my first follow-up on that particularity.
Here is what President Trump said at the time, “I heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements [citing the credentials of the information source as a] very highly qualified, very talented lawyer. I have no idea if that’s right, I would’ve — I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice president. That’s very serious.” [ABC News]
The detail appears to be found in the fact that although Harris’ is said to born in Oakland in 1964, her parents had not received their U.S. citizenship by that time

Further evidence is found in a televised interview with Jonathan Swan of Axios in 2018 where President Trump stated the objective of issuing an executive order based on an interpretation of the Constitution to instruct federal agencies that children born in the United States to non-citizens were not entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth.
It remains to be seen if the intelligence community could or would subsequently target Harris with citizenship vectors if it deemed Harris should be dispatched like Biden. Currently, that would position House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as the next occupier of the Executive.
Where Harris and McCarthy overlap is two-fold: both are from California and both benefited from the FTX/Ukraine money laundering operation. Harris benefited because Biden was the primary beneficiary during the 2020 election cycle and she was his running mate while McCarthy’s House SuperPAC received FTX funding directly and used it to target Conservatives in favor of establishment candidates during the 2022 primary process. I cover all of that and more in my series dedicated to FTX/Ukraine.
The Crux of the Matter – The CEFC China Energy Company
The crux of the matter for Biden’s constructed removal and Harris’ constructed installation into the Executive is the CEFC China Energy Company and for all of the reasons delineated above as compounded by the entire corpus of work I’ve put into CEFC over the years.
We find the evidence for it all in a news item drawing back to just before the stolen election in October 2020. It derives from the testimony of former Biden business partner and confidant Tony Bobulinski and a problematic email naming Harris.
As reported on by Fox News,
The email was sent from Jim to Hunter Biden, Tony Bobulinski, Rob Walker and James Gilliar.
Bobulinksi was an institutional investor who was recruited by the Biden family to run their joint-venture with now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.
Bobulinski is a former Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, and served as the CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, which he said was the partnership between the CEFC/ Chairman Ye and the Biden family.
“I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden,” Bobulinski said in a statement to Fox News. “The reference to “the Big Guy” in the much-publicized May 13, 2017 email is in fact a reference to Joe Biden. The other “JB” referenced in that email is Jim Biden, Joe’s brother.”
Bobulinski was referring to an email, Fox News obtained last week, dated May 13, 2017, which included a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.
The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details.
Fox News
The reporting clearly indicates where Harris is fully enveloped by what amounts to abject reason:
A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden‘s current running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned.
An email exclusively obtained by Fox News, with the subject line “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects” and dated May 15, 2017, Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”
The email is unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the former vice president’s son.
The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
Fox News
Concluding Remarks and Timing
The date of the email implicating Kamala Harris in Joe and Hunter Biden’s treasonous private equity deal with the economic arm of the BRI initiative; with the political arm being the CCP and as all backed by th PLA, is 15 May 17. Take that date relative to everything I’ve outlined in this article and situate it respective to this timeline extract from my full timeline of over 100 entries and tell me that Kamala Harris’ evidenced background is not problematic for America and Americans.
The aggregate of analysis found at Moonshine has been on the mark and ahead of the news cycle by years. The analysis on Kamala Harris is equally on the mark. She is wittingly complicit in treason, divisive and problematic for America and Americans; and her constructed installation parallels the constructed removal of Biden by the intelligence community.
In the end, America will have a failed presidential candidate installed and ushered into the Executive through the back door because in no other way could Kamala Harris come to occupy the highest office in the nation. In the end, you can thank the same intelligence community that got rid of JFK, RFK, MLK and Nixon just like it’s now removing Biden to install Harris.
Breaking through the glass ceiling? No way.
Entering through the back door? Absolutely.
Welcome to the Third World banana republic of the United States of Venezuela.
Wow. I mean wow.
Excellent and credible summations here. Agreed, the IC is directing lawyers to find classified info which they themselves seem to plant t.