The Keystone of Corruption: Ukraine and the FTX Scandal
Extensive Moonshine work into Ukraine drawing back to 2018 briefly introduces a detailed account of the FTX/Ukraine scandal behind the Bidens, Democrats and the stolen 2022 midterms
The two epicenters of Joe Biden’s corruption are Ukraine and China and I’ve written about both copiously including a recapitulating article from 09 Mar 22 entitled ‘UKRAINE and CHINA: Understanding the Two Epicenters of the Biden Crime Family’s Corruption and Treason, We’ve All Been Sold Out.’
The work into Ukraine goes as far back as 2018 and much of it lives on the old and now unpublished website that preceded Political Moonshine. If you search for “Ukraine” on the Moonshine website, you’ll get 42 pages of returns including re-posting of that old unpublished work. I’ve followed the Biden’s all over the globe and threaded much of it back to Ukraine.
Some of the older work bears titles like:
One massive Ukraine/Biden/Twitter thread that I posted contained over 70 posts and got immediately censored in-part leading to my permanent banning from the platform.
Suffice it to say, I’ve written a virtual book on Ukraine and the Bidens.
All along and well before about anyone else [2018], I’ve maintained that Ukraine is the keystone to understanding U.S. political corruption and in particular, Joe Biden.
More recent work centered on Ukraine includes:
There are probably 150-175 more articles on the site covering Ukraine; perhaps more. In fact, here's an entire series of 83 articles specifically on Ukraine [and Russia, China, war, famine and disease.
Here’s our lead-in to FTX and I stated this on 01 Jan 20 [emphasis added]:
The corruption is massive and I’ve contended that the Democrats had rigged the global energy sector; not just the one in Ukraine. Moreover, I’ve also contended that the bulk of the corruption is funneling through Ukraine such that it’s serving as the laundering mechanism for it all. That’s what I believe is really happening.
Political Moonshine on 01 Jan 20
From that same piece, consider this quote from Rudy Giuliani [emphasis added]:
“What I learned is the corruption in Ukraine is vast, it’s extensive…. When the full scope of what happens in Ukraine comes out, there are going to be a lot of Americans who participated in the corruption… The Bidens took millions of dollars laundered out of Ukraine, and the only reason they’re getting away with it is because you and the press protect them…”
Rudy Giuliani
Recall that I’ve had three sources for a very long time: Lin Wood, White House Counsel Pat Cipollone and an unnamed U.S. Attorney for the DOJ out of D.C. who was tasked to Rudy Giuliani after the stolen 2020 election.
My work left me, went through my intermediary and directly to those three sources and whereby I would receive information back downstream from them. You’ll recall that Lin Wood has re-posted a substantial amount of Moonshine work.
Most importantly and through my intermediary, I got word back from one of my sources who is not Lin Wood saying, “Tell your friend to keep going. He seems to be the only one who has figured it out.”
I said very long ago that Ukraine was the keystone of corruption and well before about anyone else. I was actually ridiculed and publicly attacked for it by some others investigating similar things.
Now we have FTX in the public light and it fully envelops the same Democrats and the same Joe Biden that I identified through substantial and arduous elbow-grease research identifying such drawing back to 2018.
Here’s what we know about Sam Bankman-Fried FTX:
Tens of billions of U.S. dollars have been funneled to Ukraine
The money was laundered through FTX
The laundered money now in the form of FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to Democrats and the Bidens
All of that money is now gone and FTX is bankrupt
FTX gave at least $40 million to Democrats in advance of the 2022 midterms
FTX funded congressional campaigns for members overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), [oversees regulation of the cryptocurrency industry]
FTX’s ex-CEO Sam Bankman-Fried aggressively lobbied the CFTC
FTX is currently under investigation by the CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The investigation was opened after Bankman-Fried allegedly moved $10 billion in client assets from FTX to his trading firm Alameda Research
A liquidity crisis at FTX caused the company to file for bankruptcy
FTX is directly involved with and related to Ukraine
In March, the Washington Post reported that Ukraine was dealing in cryptocurrency
The Ukrainian government gathered more than $42 million in cryptocurrency donations
Approximately a week after Ukraine gathered the cryptocurrency donations, FTX engaged with Ukraine
Respective to the Russian invasion of Ukraine FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried formulated a cryptocurrency donation project in Ukraine
Bankman-Fried announced that FTX would support the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance and other communities in collecting cryptocurrency donations for the nation
The Ukrainian government has received over $60 million in cryptocurrency donations globally
Bankman-Fried cited humanitarian aid and access to global financial infrastructure as causes
Bankman-Fried indicated that cryptocurrency exchanges should enforce sanctions announced by the government
Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democratic party; George Soros was #1
The money laundering circle was: Democrats vote to send funds to Ukraine, Ukraine invests in FTX, FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to the same Democrats
*Image source
Bankman-Fried speaks about his criminality here:

Now consider the following understanding that Barbara Fried is Bankman-Fried’s mother [emphasis added] [SOURCE],
In 2018, the secretive Stanford-connected Democratic fundraising group Mind the Gap (MTG) funneled over $20 million toward competitive U.S. House of Representative elections and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizations. In 2020, MTG wants to increase that number to $140 million.
MTG is led by Barbara Fried, the William W. and Gertrude H. Saunders Professor of Law; Paul Brest, an emeritus professor of law and director of the Law and Policy Lab; and Graham Gottlieb, a Stanford research affiliate. Of the three, Gottlieb has the most direct policy experience, having formerly served in junior roles in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and in Obama’s White House.
The Stanford Daily
Bankman-Fried’s father is Joseph Bankman, who is a law professor also at Stanford.
Moonshine pegged Ukraine as the keystone of corruption drawing back to four years ago. In between then and now, an entire catalog of arduous and copious analysis and evidence was stacked-up to prove it all.
Now we have the kill shot in FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried.
It's much deeper than any commentator could (or is allowed) to imagine: