
I often remind people that when the news cycle is captured, then there can be no accidentally breaking news stories in MSM.

To those that say that perspective is a conspiracy, I merely ask them to look at the historical record and see which 'theory' best fits.

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May 25·edited May 25

There is no easy button for those of us who have been called to this fight. Remember, God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Those like you (and I) will be better equipped to deal with the difficulties that are set forth at our feet while those who have had it easy will be crying and begging for help when life and finances becomes more than they can handle. https://www.thoughtco.com/stoics-and-moral-philosophy-4068536

I was let go from two school districts. In 2019 the school board decided that they did not want me substituting for them any longer. They did not bother to notifiy me nor send a letter as to the reason why. The principal nearly quit because he knew me and had worked with me for almost 4 years. There were two teachers in that school district that were agahst at what the school board had done. In 2021 I was let go from the second school district over jab mandates and the letter I sent to the assistant for the superintendent replied that she did not have to respond to my request for informed consent even though I stated the law within my state. When she forced the issue and told me she would have to remove my name from the substitute teacher list (which I had been on for over 30 years) , I replied that she should do so. I am not one that is easy to deal with as I ask questions and seek information. Prior to that phone call the superintendent had contacted me and informed me that I was banned from teaching at one of the schools within the school district. I kept asking questions in a patient manner. The superinetendent was unable to keep his story in alignment and kept changing it while speaking with me via that phone call. Both of those school districts are in desparate need of substitute teachers. I was over qualified for the job, but I prefer substituting over teaching full time as I hate the regulatons that prevent me from actually helping the students learn.

Our schools were captured a long time ago and never meant to be anything except indoctrination centers. I have been encouraging many to begin with this report by Corey's Digs.


Then I encourage them to check out part 9 of this series with the timeline, then take some time to read the entire 9 part series.


This is an important interview with Charlotte Isyerbet. https://youtu.be/69HqxE74P5w?si=Fe9YZ8wSliM5Wu2o

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I applaud your efforts. I too have been impacted by these jab mandates and politics (I refuse to put pronouns in my bios) in the IT industry. I have

had to walk a fine line as I have true joint custody and an uncooperative coparent. So far, I seem to have blocked the jabs and countered the indoctrination, but I am not so foolish as to be complacent.

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Many of us did the same as you AND I fear we will join you in your plite. We the People need to put our boot on our city county state and federal govt entities ‘& most bureaucrats. Soonest.



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It is so in your face..the monster is laughing.

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I wish there was some way to make you whole, P.M. I have learned so much from you.

But as the old adage goes, "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."

And as an ex-husband used to say, "Wish in one hand. Sh*t in the other and see which one gets full first."

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Have you heard of the term, "a just war",

IOW, some wars are considered "just" (but most are not considered "just" wars.) "Just" is an adjective. Catholics believe in that doctrine. Take heart.

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I have and I maintain a varying perspective on it. Appreciate the remarks. Thank you.

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Just war theory principles

The principles of the justice of war are commonly held to be: having just cause, being a last resort, being declared by a proper authority, possessing right intention, having a reasonable chance of success, and the end being proportional to the means used. This time in history WILL end with smoking barrels. I refuse to bend a leg.

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To PM and friends, keep your chins up. The cabal is almost all gobbled up by the military alliance. Your National Guard, for example, has been very busy crossing "State lines" and delivering to that special place in Cuba especially since 2021! I see and hear daily evidence of the removal of evil that has enslaved and killed many. You would notice this too if you would just read your country's Executive Orders and National Emergency Declarations and relevant codes and "sections". Be positive. All that we have been losing illegally through laws/legislation/mandates and taxes will come back. The big sting is almost over. The Alliance is currently mopping up the cabal and their "tunnels" under Gaza and even under our own soil in the West (see unconventional warfare in Executive Orders and US/Canada War Manual) and preparing a civilised Israel and Palestinian state for the world. Be positive. Watch for those pieces of news that just don't make sense--for example, US to supply 2000-pound bombs to Israel for their war against "Hamas" (LOL)--all optics and communications to wake people up and question and rightfully become enraged towards what the old ploy of the cabal was. Full credit to our military alliance. Be positive everyone.

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Not meant for any discussion; I have heard and read all the blahblah you speak of. I really, at this point, think it is all counter psyops and feel in my soul this is not so. It's all manufacture.

Used to be where you are tho.

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Understood. However, everything was planned to be a lot worse, a long time ago now. I'm thankful. (Mr. Blah Blah :)

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