Paradigms of Societal Power

(Vectors of attack)

1. Political

2. Media (the 4th Estate)

3. Military/Paramilitary (police)

4. Academia (includes Church)

5. Corporate (Big business/white-collar)

6. Workers/Union (working-class/blue-collar)

7. Shadow Government (private Intel Community, the 5th Estate/Column)

Paradigm Shifts:

Reform vs Rebellion: it is easier to use another silo arm vs a corrupt branch than to enforce reform from within a silo branch

(Or in the case of asymmetrical, 5th column warfare, corrupt them from one to the other)

Consider the Revolving Door between regulators and industries.

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Lyndsey Graham statement weeks ago is a lie to pull on heart strings to continue funding the Ukraine war. In reality corrupt politicians would allow China access to resources in Ukraine anyways. China has mines, manufacturing facilities, businesses, in lots of countries.

The USA left Afghanistan (lithium) to allow China to move in making deals with the taliban. China owns mining companies everywhere!!!! This is why corrupt governments are obsessed with the Ukraine war…. We are fighting to get China in there!!

Bonus points if they oust Putin and get a WEF puppet leader in. Then the globalists can shut down Russia oil to drive the price up. Then the world will be begging for China EVs.

They will stop at nothing to continue this Ukraine farce and that’s why governments are going hard to shut down different narratives. I swear we are ruining our economies to fight a war for China!!!

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Interesting frame up. Regarding Covidiocy. The gambit is deception. The deception is Big P and the Medical Cartel mongering the virus hoax of the day. Every 2 years Time shoves the latest virus fear mongering down forgetful throats. Virus do not Exist as vectors of infectious disease!

World Views decimated.

The MD's screaming fraud are now in the several thousands. We been donkeyed and the change of function gambit is real, but a smokescreen.

We are currently in the finger pointing phase, it will not last long.

The "way out"is in. Education and data changed no fools mind.

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Is there any way out? Sadly, I fear not. I think the US is too far gone.

I don't fear for myself, because I know where I'll end up (with Jesus).

But I fear for those "left behind."

And I could stand on my front step and shout "PREPARE!" but only one of my neighbors is of like mind, and the rest would look at me like I was crazy and keep on as if everything was fine.

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Only difference now is I believe at least 2/3 of America is fully awake to the large scale scumbaggery of OBiden regime

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Accurate Assessment, hence the panic.

Expect an increase of train derailments, bridge "collisions", airplane failures, food processing plant torchings, "wild" fires, flu hysteria, Antifa, Fedsurrections, etc etc etc

Peeps are about done with the terror flavor of the month.

Going to be a rocky road it seems.

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