Precedents set, selective prosecution exposed, people waking up.

With luck, it will be enough.

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It sure has pissed off a lot of people. But so far, they have done zip, nada, nil to change anything in positive way they will help at our county level. One actually works for the county. Another one is involved in the county republican party and believes the republicans can fix things (she also can not see the forest through the trees).

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The judiciary and the DoInjustice are in the toilet.

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An influence operation. Precedent has been set. Time for 44.

Eugene V. Debs had over 900,000 votes when he ran for president in 1920 for the Socialist Party of America. In 1798 former indentured servent and Vermont representative Matthew Lyon was charged with sedition after publishing scathing (yet true) remarks about President John Adams. He was jailed and won the seat again in the following election. He was also the first person charged with sedition following the Federalists approval and signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798.

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You're finally understanding the actual truth of this matter. The Trump conviction is a pre-planned, articulately designed counter-intelligence tool initiated and implemented by the IC, yes, but above that, the U.S. Department of Defense. You still want to blame the Marxists/Communists - I get that. But the true enemy of the people is not a political philosophy but rather a cabal deeply entrenched within our government that will live to see their Plan set firmly in place - this Plan? The destruction of the United States of America as a democratic representative Constitutional Republic. Once you see that Trump is PART OF this Plan with FULL knowledge of his role to be played, the endgame becomes apparent. Many of us have seen this slowly and methodically implemented for decades. Trump is NOT a savior of the American system. He is a willing tool in its demise. True patriots are eliminated with extreme prejudice. So, the most accurate thing you've stated above is to "buckle up." You're precisely spot on. This ride into the abyss is just beginning. To turn Americans against Americans with violent consequences is to polarize each side—what better way to accomplish this than by using actors? Yes, Trump is an actor, a very good one.

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If this can happen to Trump just imagine what would happen to us regular folks w limited resources to fend off these banana republic libs. No fear here just major concern for the republic i bled for.

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