Excellent article. So many of us are asleep. All of this will help us to stay strong through whatever trials may come. Being a Christian is what sustains me.... That we know the ending to the story. There is going to be a one world government eventually. Seems like it is moving faster in that direction. I was so shocked when Israel was the first nation to go full on Nazi to their own people over COVID. We still had enough pockets of common sense and freedom here in the US... I wasn't surprised Europe fell so quickly. Or Australia and New Zealand. I was saying at the beginning of the COVID narrative that this is exactly like the Nazi propaganda. And, wow, did people jump on me and yell at me! But I keep saying it and praying for discernment! (Nazi propoganda is nothing new... The author of lies has been using these tactics since Adam and Eve!)

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Have your considered joining forces with Florida's new panel of investigation into the CV fraud - their grand jury probe of COVID-19 vaccines; The Florida Supreme Court will convene a grand jury at Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' request to investigate any wrongdoing with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines

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Finding your substack is the BEST Christmas gift! Thank you, Moonshine, for the many hours of your life that you’ve devoted to this cause.

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This seems related somehow:


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And I tend to agree, wholeheartedly.

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I am somewhat new here but have had similar sentiments from the beginning. Thank-you so much for shaping a narrative with clear connection to truth. The fantasy driven narrative has become so thin, yet is still being pushed. Surly this alone ought to wake people up. But no, we need folk to proceed with legal actions to make more noise. Thanks much for what you do, to push for accountability and truth. Blessings, Godspeed, and have a merry Christmas and happy new year.

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