So patsy, scapegoat doesn't quite explain it as well as your container-comparpartmentalized description. I have repeatedly seen this tactic in Fortune 500 ELT and I labelled it "jettison management" over a decade ago. I think your definition is more clear, but I still like the aesthetics of mine :)

This play to set Biden up has been so in evidence (garage documents) that it doesn't even come close to a Kansas City Shuffle.

Another spot on thesis 🎯🔥

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Well written, nice job!

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Reading through this a song began playng in my head. Emrson, Lake and Palmer Karn Evil 9. I could not for the life of me recall the song title, just the lyrics.



This song was released in 1973.

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TBH it's a brilliant plan as far as preying upon the deeply hypnotized and propagandized Left, who are still riding high on the victory of having installed the first black American President while continuing to deny the trail of destruction he left behind him. Behold!! The Bride of Dracula dressed as every woke liberal's wet dream for Amerika. Let the Games continue...

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