Superb interview.

More verifiable fact-truth in one interview than the Illegitimate Regime has slimed in 3+years.


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Seminal, indeed. Pity Mr. Carlson didn't touch on those biolabs...

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So, one of the primary issue with Ukraine was forcing open borders with Russia via Ukraine (to do to them what is being done to the US border!?!).

The news of the fraudelent Ukranian election (due to US tampering) isn't widely known either outside of communties like here.

Upon reflection, Clinton (Deep State handlers) rejecting Putin from joining NATO might be the biggest surprise for me personally.

As I think on Tucker's interview of Putin, I realized that Biden’s horrific press conference was not just a deflection from his senility victory over DOJ carges and Putin, but that his press conference was REACTIONARY!

Even ursurping Trump in 2020 was reactionary, everything since Trump's 2016 victory has had them scrambling and off their scheduled plans.

I have seen evidence of persecution of Putin for not bowing down to the globalist machine. I think he is an admirable Russian patriot and can acknowledge that while also holding onto the concept that his objectives may put him into conflict with my own patriotism and objectives. This coming from someone trained to dismantle the Soviet machine in years past (Basic training involved screaming "kill Ivan!"). back then as well.

I have been slow to accept that all things Russian aren't evil, especially past KGB operatives, to whom I lost fellow spook friends to.

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100% confirmation of what I already knew. Brilliant interview.

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Damn you're good. Thanks. Be well.

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