A steal would be far too obvious at this point due to the unprecedented magnitude of the support for Trump. They know this, and they are scrambling to somehow mitigate the inevitable.

Last night the fake news was discussing the importance of "revising" the Insurrection Act due to its possibility of misuse by a POTUS. Suddenly. After 200+ years. After the U.S. just suffered a violent insurrection at the hands of MAGA extremists three short years ago, striking terror in the hearts of every upstanding citizen and government official. Suddenly the powers granted the POTUS to protect the country in this instance are deemed dangerous and vulnerable to potential abuse.

Death throes. Buckle up everybody.

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The IC community needs an enema. Their criminal misconduct is beyond “illegal, it is TREASON.

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As a left leaning moderate, Joe Rogan's platform is more effective at countering the IC narrative and educating outside our echo chamber. We should get Political Moonshine on the Joe Rogan show lolol

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Was listening to this while reading the article.

Striking how much Liberal Hivemind and Joe Rogan are both exposing this.


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It's too early for summer reruns. 🙄🤡

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What happens if Trump wins WWIII? These deep state demons will go to no ends to keep their power.

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