Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

"What those same folks did not tell you for the past 18 months is that Joe Biden was already out as the nominee...Last evening, we merely bore witness to another production of Intelligence Community kabuki theater where the closing act features Joe Biden’s exit."

SO...WELL...SAID !!! The above exerpt from your analysis is the perfect summation of what occured last night... Those of us who have the stomach to follow this administration & their "ops" most assuredly could see this Bydon train-wreck coming... He was perfectly set up to fall under the Trump Train... afterwards, the IC/MSM pundits came out in true mockingbird fashion to pull him out from under the Trump Train only to throw him under the Democratic media bus... I do take a different stance on 1 statement though... "He thinks you're that dumb." Bless his heart... I'm inclined to believe that the Bydon simply CAN'T think at this point in his descent into dementia... he's much too inwardly focused to express any assumptions outside the mechanisms of his personal, immediate feelings or imaginations. The rest of your analysis, though, is both thoughtful & thorough... this is the 3rd act of a well orchestrated plan that had its beginnings during the 2016 "They never thought she would lose" turmoil... the feigned gasps of horror last night by the live commentators (Act 3-Climax)... next Act 4-the falling action (the Bydon is quietly removed from the ticket), & finally for November...Act 5- the resolution (the insertion of a "hail-fellow-well-met" candidate who "rescues" their plan & puts the country back on the Cloward-Piven pathway to self-destruction.

Thank you, Political Moonshine... your insight & essays are always on point.

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Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

Nailed it.

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Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

Your posts would be readable if you could just stop patting your self on the back for how you've had it right in the last 210 posts you've made. I like the new ideas you add with each post, but your self admiration just makes it unreadable. I like your work, don't get me wrong, but it's almost impossible to read. Anyway you do have great insight and thanks for sharing, but if you just posted any new insights without the bragging you'd significantly increase your readership. Take care, and all the best.

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Valid points and I'm self-aware. Often I edit those remarks out and other times not. Citing the amount of analysis behind a certain position is more about validating the depth and accuracy of it than anything else. Appreciate the remarks.

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Jun 29Liked by Political Moonshine

I think those of us who are familiar with your posts don't doubt your accuracy and insight. Try writing from the perspective that your readers understand your excellent insights and don't need to be convinced that you've been right in the past. Just assume they know, or will decide to read your past post out of intrigue from your current post. You got this.

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Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

Biden is the perfect Manchurian candidate (puppet who does everything he's told to do by the deep state).

Masons will still try to place him as President by stealing the elections again (like 2020 and 2022 USA, in 2022 Brazil, and many other countries).

J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


In 2022, the same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations of millions of Brazilians against the stolen elections through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:



Weaponization of migration to destroy nations


All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


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Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

The Illegitimate Regime has been “rotting" since day 1 of the “installation". Deep appreciation to Political Moonshine for showcasing this fetid decay for years now.

Superb display at the “CNN debate” FJB…gobs of lipstick on that pig.

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Jun 28Liked by Political Moonshine

You checked all the boxes, I’m not discouraged but ready to stand firm to support a true and strong leader for the USA. MAGA

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