full-blown Marxist communist nation unless Americans wake the h-e-double hockey sticks up, quit drinking the Kool-Aid, get off their asses and do something about.

Precisely. Most people I know are too busy watching the Kartrashianss, Dancing with the Almost Naked Stars, and the latest Dallas Cowboys vs. the Gladiators at the Coliseum - LA or Rome, same diff.

Panem et circenses.

I will soldier on tho, even if alone.

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Dear God - Help us!

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Great write-up and review! Thank you for referencing those other posts on the topic too🙏🏽

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Sadly the American people are not aware of any of this. The average Joe has no idea what the reality is at this point and therefore there will be no standing up to it. We the red pilled suffer while the blue pulled go on in the matrix with their heads up their asses.

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I hope your projection turns out to be inaccurate for the sake of the country.

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