Great article and I couldn't agree more.

Full disclosure, I fully self-isolated my children and myself in the beginning. I remember about a week into the Texas lockdown being asked if it was a legit threat and remember telling my group of friends, "I don't know, but this is what I would expect it to look like if it were."

Texas opened back up quickly, and friends rushed out, while I suggested a pause and not being the 'canary in the coal mine'. By this time I was still being cautious despite my growing suspicions. A few things weren't adding up. While I attempted to suss out the pandemic, I was equally cautious regarding the vaxx. MSM reported overwhelmed hospitals in my area, yet my friends in medical professions locally clearly stated that was false. Friends and family on long waiting lists for medical procedures were getting same day treatment. The changing definition of "vaccine" deeply disturbed me. Eventually, I came to understand that I was one of the first groups to have had Covid in my area due to a coworker who brought it from the New Orleans Mardis Gras. The flu that the kids and I had before the lockdown meant natural antibodies.

At this point the methodologies used to discredit lab leak discussions became obvious and the Texas Senate's testimony regarding the trials shutdown due to animal deaths which I watched live was completely censored online. The dismissal of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine was another flag. The MSM terror tickers of the death count were extreme, pushing hysteria.

By this time I shifted to holy crap this is being exploited (I wasn't at 'this was an attack yet').

I had researched genetically targeted bioweapons for a short story I wrote in 2008, specifically the eight genome groups that were then looking for the God gene, to target both faith and ethnicity. This was before the term "precision medicine" was in use.

I had an advantage in knowing that, so when the advances in precision medicine were touted as making Operation Warp Speed possible I knew where it came from. Add to that the CCP databases of 23andme and Ancestry, you have all the components of a James Bond Spectre plot.

I suppose this is my confession. I fell for the psyop at first myself, but luckily avoided acting rashly by doing my due diligence.

I recommend looking up what you can about the Human Genome project, the search for the 'God gene' (I seem to recall there are 4 identified?) and how the various terror organizations and alphabets intended to weaponize it. Popular Science had some good articles on it.

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Sharry Edwards has spoken with Sarah Westall several times. The discussion of the god gene comes up often in their conversations. https://sarahwestall.com/the-science-behind-psychic-abilities-plus-hunter-bidens-agenda-w-sharry-edwards/

This short video provides a bit of information.


This interview with Gregg Braden is amazing. Part two is included in the description box. I highly recommend watching both parts.


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It's funny. My post-apocalyptic short story was inspired by conversations with my Army buddies on how none of us really got sick for approximately 6 years after getting our overseas combat deployment vaccines. At that time, I was reading about the t3rr0r organizations spending millions to create bioweapons to target infidels and the scifi story was inspired. With tongue in cheek, my protagonist was a veteran, true-believer in Dudeism lolol.

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I will check it out

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The Genetic Arms Race I How CRISPR and Al Destroy the World

This WhyFiles? is premiering soon, auspicious timing.

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Bioterror. A bioterror attack by governments the world over against their own people. The biological weapon came in two forms, the initial release of a pathogen capable of shedding in late 2019-2020 (perhaps through the newly designed flu vaccine of that year that was more virulent, was LAIV shedding-capable and had a modified replication process from previous year flu vaccine) to provide the basis for the terror campaign, with Big Media and Big Tech as the purveyors of terror linguistically altered into "Fear Amplification" as NPI under epidemiological "behavioral science," aka BS. The terror component necessary for uptake of the second form of biological weapon, being the mRNA bioweapon. Much deadlier than the first bioweapon pathogen, and much more widely deployed.

That said, I hold out hope that the official number you cite of 80% uptake of the second bioweapon is as fake and overstated as most of the official information of the plandemic. Between the separate and distinct forms, as well as the ingeniousness of many who had to find a way to protect themselves and their families without losing their jobs, or the patients they genuinely cared about treating, who found a way to fake uptake, submitted fake proof, substitute saline, squirted the bioweapon down a sink or toilet, I hold out hope that the real number who took the thing is in the 50's - 60's percentage.

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I appreciate your meme of “happening to and being done to” photo including the wives of the main characters. They are complicit and that seems overlooked

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May 11·edited May 11

Moonshine you know what clinched it for me? When they demanded that our military had to take the jabs. And fired those who didn't. WHO in their role as commander in chief would make their military commit suicide with an experimental drug? With no long term safety? And they knew. The jabs were poison...slow acting poison....

Only China benefitted.

How many Chinese soldiers have slipped in now?

Over 50 thousand?

I can't speak Chinese but I hope I live long enough to see the traitorous gai jin executed by their Chinese masters...because once a traitor....

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The production and distribution of the mRNA vaccines was a military operation. Military operations target enemies. Distinct batches were distributed accordingly. Just my take.

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Just a thought, some rapists, murders, serial killers, etc start out torturing/killing animals - so there are two veterinarians CEOs (Pfizer/Moderna), is it a bridge too far to say possibly they “started” with animals and now they themselves have progressed serial killers?

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Thank you.

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