I see this as a political win-win, although I don't see the Resident's handlers taking it quietly so I expect them to infiltrate and false flag something to justify more tyranny. As I Texan, I hope we see through it in time. Another note, Abbott didn't do this by choice in my opinion (Bush rino that he is), but I suspect that Paxton maneuvered and made this happen.

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Love Texas and Texans.... spent about 2 months there during the year I lived in a van. Appreciate you following along and weighing in. If it reaches a point where Texas needs a hand, I'd hop in my rig immediately. Was glad to see our governor [MT] be one of the 25 states on the right side of this line. Godspeed.

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Thanks brother! And remember the Alamo!

PS I visited the Alamo as a teenager and it was deeply moving, especially the memorial flags for all of the "diverse" nationalities from all over the world. All, including the Latinos, who stood together against tyranny, knowing they were just another Thermopylae.

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Yes, but why did he and Abbot put up with this FOR 4 YEARS of Biden??

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Paxton was temporarily removed from office in an illegal attempt to remove him from play by TX Dems and Bush rinos, all DS operatives. Since being vindicated and reinstated, Paxton has been on fire attacking the DS.

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Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

I am also grateful to Paxton. I wonder if "regular" Texans are going to the Eagle Pass wire site, in addition to the Guardsmen of Texas and other states, to stand with them?

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Jan 27Liked by Political Moonshine

A decapitated IC community is going to the woodshed after the return of a legitimate government.

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You're hired. "Somebody, pleeeeeease get this man a gun." https://youtu.be/vYLEg7bxalQ?feature=shared

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Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

So, you've made it to stage two - this is good. First came the ridicule, then the violent opposition. I and others are awaiting your arrival at acceptance as being self-evident. Your intimate inside knowledge of the Trump Administration notwithstanding, you're still being left out of the 'loop.' This is why, for decades, I have referred people to the 1980s 12-hour ABC television mini-series Amerika. It provides the blueprint. Trump didn't surprise the IC community by winning the Presidency in 2015; he surprised the Left Wing. That's it, that's all. They were fed disinformation purposely to strengthen their resolve to do what they're doing now through the Obama mafia. The IC PLACED Trump in the Presidency, and in a few short months, you will see this repeated. This is ALL a psyop, ALL of it, Trump included. Does he know? Yes, I assure you he does. How do I know? What did Trump do with Gina Haspel? They caught her red-handed. What happened to her? Well, she was quietly "resigned" to the cozy corporate sector in cybersecurity. Trump is not naive. Trump is NOT stupid. Trump is ACTING. America is gone. Finito. The Republic died long before it was even visible on your radar compadre. What is rising is not public anger and societal disgust with politics; it is the fiery red Phoenix, and soon, it will expand both its left and right wings to reveal its true nature, one of tyrannical control through technocratic corporate overlords. And MAGA will be imploded. I stopped worshipping the United States when I saw firsthand what happened on the Highway of Death in 1991 outside Basra. Not what the Media told the American populace or the DoD told its personnel, but what happened. This is NOT the time to fight. That time has long come and gone. This IS the time to prepare. What is coming still escapes you as it does most of the population. But not for much longer -the gloves came off for not a few of us long ago, my friend. I'm glad to see you've started to take off yours. Hopium and Pollyanna Principles do not compete with reality.

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I hear you loudly and clearly. Those angles relative to Trump have mostly been discussed in private but not yet written; at least not yet fully expressed....... key word, yet. Now until Nov. 2024/Jan. 2025 will tell us the truth about Trump, personal bias [faith?] acknowledged. Appreciate your intelligent remarks.

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Jan 27Liked by Political Moonshine

I'm finding myself hopeful

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Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

Fantastic parable like story. Was sorely tempted to not finish it, very happy I did.

Unfortunately the analogy to seventh grade skirmishes is not the best however interesting. Adults who attempt to arrive at wisdom bypassing knowledge are many.

That is a problem as they are rife with false beliefs which degenerate over time. Oddly it is the best educated examples that are certain to quadruple down.

The wooly mammoth is formidable until 7 million ants surround it.

The IC is that mammoth... DJT knows this. The ants gather.

The resolve? I am going with the blue skies and rainbows concept, hoping the fires do not burn too long.

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Jan 28·edited Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

What does dropping your sticks and taking care of business look like in the current environment? How do you see it playing out?

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I see it as The People dismissing their differences to unite as one and to go down appropriate lanes in accordance with the rule of law in order to take back what is rightfully theirs. For example, if The People had told their governors to go to hell and refused to abide by any "mandates", there never would have been a "pandemic." That's what real peaceful protest looks like. It was a "pandemic" of bent knees - period. The only reason we had a "pandemic" is because The People tolerated unmitigated bullshit shoved down their throats and then they threw on a mask before asking for more of that bullshit to be injected into their arms. Had The People said "no" immediately, a "pandemic" never occurs. I see it like that - super basic. When you have numbers like 327 million of us, winning a fight doesn't take much. Ask anyone who's ever been in one. Sown division is a real thing for a real reason. Americans need to wake the hell up and figure it out. Soapbox dismounted. I appreciate the question - it's a good one.

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Similar to Jennifer Jones' question below, I can't visualize how we organize without being detected. Organization will be critical for any meaningful resistance. Unless we organize, we can be picked off one by one - too easy for the enemy.

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It will look ugly.

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Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

I don't think the Intelligence Community is trying for Communism/Socialism/Marxism but just for power for themselves. They are with the right not the left on wanting Israel to wipe out the Palestinians because Israel is the IC

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But when one steals power for oneself desiring to rule tyrannically and outside of firm Constitutional boundaries, there must be an enforcement mechanism. That enforcement mechanism is Marxist communism. You can't have one without the other.

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The top leadership of the Intelligence Community and Justice Department is committed to advancing leftist causes and ideology. Obama, and then Biden, appointed the top people at the Justice Department, the CIA, the NSA, etc and those people were either leftist ideologues or they were willing to work with the ideologues for money, power and privilege.

Before Obama, many of those positions had traditionally been apolitical, and many of those organizations had prided themselves on their ability to do their jobs and avoid playing politics.

But now it’s ALL about politics.....leftist politics.

For example, we all know that the laws are not being applied equally....leftist rioters and ‘mostly peaceful’ protesters get off scot-free while conservatives and Trump supporters literally wait years for a misdemeanor trial.... with no bond allowed (and that’s just one of many examples)

It needs to stop, and extensive, transparent reforms must be enacted (including cutting back, in money, workforce, and power.... and repealing the Patriot Act).

The so-called “national security state” (along with the Justice Department and FBI) must never again be so powerful and dangerous that any one political party can use it to persecute their political opponents.

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I totally agree but I think the Israel connection of the IC which Moonshine did not mention is a giant piece and unifies left and right. I was just reading about Sheldon Adelson - a huge Zionist - who financed Trump's campaign and his inaugural

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I really like your style. More importantly, I value the truth of what you're saying. I know we can, I'm joining you in hoping we will.

TNCSS is bringing Nullification legislation (again) this session. I just recently became aware of it and am working in the effort to get it adopted in committee and then voted into law. Under the heading of "Do what you can, start where you are."

Stay the course.

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Dennis, I just gave them my email. Thanks for your share!

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God Bless you. We must all do everything we can. We know they have nowhere to reverse to and will not stop till they're STOPPED. That's on us.

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Your story resonates and inspires. As a Child Of Deaf Adults in the UK I got bullied in primary school but always fought back, winning often but ready to go again if I lost. Fast forward to the scamdemic, my spidey sense kicked in and I read voraciously. Never tested, masked, jabbed or locked down. My family thought I was going crazy but they trusted me Thank God. Easier to smack a bully in the chops than weed out the subversion and corruption at large, but same principles apply.

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Inspired!! 82 year old woman from Canada. I know what it means to drop my stick!

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Good question. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Trump will win in a landslide so big it will be theft proof, while at the same time they will never let him back in. Will this be the tipping point? Will we then drop the sticks?

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Great piece! Thank you

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perfect love it..yes as a former player i can say there is always a time to drop the sticks and gloves- its that time now-

not just for the US but humanity around the world.

Time to F em up so they never do it again. > a bloody nose will not suffice.

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Remember January 20, 2017? What did President Trump tell us and show us? It's ours to take back. https://youtu.be/sRBsJNdK1t0?si=n0swmzktgLPKB0ax

More influence operations have been deployed since the amicus brief filed by DJT and the ToreSays community in support of his amicus brief.


We did it in 48 hours. There were 3,000 or more who signed on.






It's truly amazing what a group of people who are well trained in using pens, paper, email, and locating information can do. We use our laws to make a difference. There is no need to cause additonal problems for our law enforcement or military as some advocate for. I am praying for Texas and Texans.

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Good article, Moonshine.

Moonshine, I want to say something that has been on my mind for awhile now. It's about geography and distance. Take this as a sincere inquiry in trying to figure out how the present situation could be made successful. Here is what I'm really kind of "asking:"

The hockey street of childhood was small in distance. You could see all the players down the street, they could see and hear you motion and yell out. It was easy to see the whites of their eyes, to witness another boy throw down his stick, and to witness firsthand the boys beginning to run alongside you. By the time you all yelled out, you were on your way in the pack, and then you split into directions by simply yelling out orders among yourselves. No bad person could really spy on your last minute plan, or at least could not hear about it in time to thwart you all. It was a group chasing much fewer than a group. No reinforcements were coming for the bully, didn't even know he needed them. No phones. No firearms there and police were unlikey to be called.

My question, Moonshine, is about distance and geography. In the American Revolution, we used horses to ride to communicate (the British are coming, now's the exact time to do what we planned.) Horses let us communicate in secret. There were trails in the woods, and while people from several states participated, they could be reached by changing horses and riders, and they, in turn, could ride to the farmers near their land.

So, internet, cell phones, even cars, can be tracked and followed much more easily now, than people who met in inns and rode fast horses at the key times.

Moonshine, what thoughts do you have on our current distance, geography (therefore, communication abilities) obstacle?

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Great question, thank you and yes, I have a simple answer for you. If a time like that comes when things are that bad, internet, cell phones and even cars won't be available. They'll take down the entire grid via cyber attack, EMP, both, more, etc. Think about herding people to certain places where they come to solely depend on those things and then being able to shut those things off with the flip of a switch: communication [social media censorship/internet down], transportation [electric cars], money [digital currency], etc.

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Jan 28Liked by Political Moonshine

That's like when the Jews were lined up and the train was pulling into the station.

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Indeed. For those who never understood how the good German people stood idly by in acquiescence to the Nazis, they're living through it. The rest of us are merely trying to get them to see that.

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Excellent question Jennifer. You hit the nail on the head. I think there are 100 million people in America that know things are off the rails and the country is at stake. They want to do something. But in the modern world there is no path of action that will make a difference.

Pitchforks and torches no longer work because there is no where to gather and confront the government. Everything is far away except in the small towns and you can't make a difference there for direct action now. This does not mean get involved locally but the crisis is now not 2 years from now.

Organizing can be done over the internet, but the IA is spying and groups would be rounded up before they can even arrive at their destination.

The stark reality is in 2024 we are super connected, have fast transportation, plenty of weapons, but in reality totally isolated. We could drive to the border like the truckers, but once there then whatz/ There is no one to organize it all and organization is key. The global press will ignore it all as directed.

One of Moonshine's other posters was talking about the Q type stuff. Long term plan by military to fix things and they recruited Trump to help.

I am beginning to think that is the only way out for America. If there is a plan with military punch available, then when announced they could rally the 100 million people to action. Peaceful action I would hope, but if they ask for more, I am sure millions are ready willing and able.

I have been racking my brains over this for years and see no other way out.

We will get out and vote in November in our 100 million and see what happens.

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Thanks. I'm not so sure that smaller groups can't plan and organize working together. I think it might involve more old-fashioned, under the radar means.

Of course, militaries overthrow the government of many countries. I was just reading about examples of that in South Americs through the years. Of course, our intelligence agencies sometimes themselves

in the overthrows and has been happening since the 1950's.

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Now that you mention it, I remember reading about some apps on smartphones that operate kind of like a closed network so there most likely is a way to create even long distance networks for a few dozen or so to communicate using one of the packet layer protocols passing across the common carrier internet but insulated from the normal IP traffic. Most likely off the shelf already for those who look.

My own view is Trump has a plan with the force needed to make it happen.

However if the worst happens, people with ingenuity can work together and slog through the decades to throw off the yoke of tyranny. I can tell you this, if coon skin caps make a comeback, I am not getting one.

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Now, why wouldn't you get a coon skin cap?

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