While I like Trump and voted for him, it's moves like this as well promoting the jabs and willfully ignoring the carnage they've caused that makes me wave my hands in disgust. McCarthy is DC swamp scum.

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Of course, the Devolution crowd will see this as another brilliant 3-D chess move by Trump - they always look beyond his actions to his hidden motives. Enough! He may be a shrewd businessman but he's no Russian Chess Master and his ego often seems to get in the way of rational decisions. If he felt that McCarthy was the only viable option, why not stand with the 6 dissenting voices and demand public concessions from McCarthy rather than just giving him a blanket endorsement?

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I can draw only a few conclusions. Trump is either senile, incomprehensibly stupid, or part of the WEF swamp. Another distraction while CBDC and global passports are rolled out and the vax murdered are quietly buried?

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Please know that I enjoy your stuff and respect your knowledge, PM. I really do! But IMO, you have very likely fallen into the same trap that many in the MAGA movement (or "patriot" movement, if you prefer) have w/ Trump and his "announcements." Let me translate what you just said into what, IMO, you should say / have said -- "I have to admit that I don't like nor do I really understand what Trump is doing or what he is talking about here. It bothers me, a LOT! I hope this is simply a part of his chess game and that he has very good reasons for choosing RINO McCarthy (whom NO true patriot or pro-MAGA/SaveAmerica American likes) over someone else."

That would be honest, and I think you want to be honest. But to be honest, you'd have to admit that you don't understand everything going on. Can you do that and avoid making pronouncements as if you do know everything? Once you make statements like the above in this article, it's hard to take them back because of ego/pride, and in the meantime you are very likely influencing many of those that follow you.

If you are wrong, not only would you need to publicly eat crow, but you'd have to UN-influence those you have led astray. But you wouldn't be able to by then, for various reasons. If you're NOT wrong, then what the hell ... we're in big, big trouble, and the best you'll be able to say is, "Told you so!" But then you'd have had to already come up with your own plans to save this country and the power and influence and money and connections to pull it off. Can you? If not, "told you so" would only be an ego-stroker, and not beneficial.

And what would you prefer -- a wolf, or a sheep in wolf's clothing? A known evil Demonrat opponent like Pelousy or an absolutely disingenuous, disgustingly traitorous, self-important, swamp creature RINO like Ryan? I'd take the first any day. She's an absolutely obvious and visible evil. Ryan wasn't to many. And obviously Trump has NO influence over who would have been or might be in the future the Demonrat Speaker, does he.

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Totally agree!! I’m on the edge to keep following this Substack..I absorb a literal ton of information everyday and try to an decide where we are at as a country.

Reading this article is reminiscent of a Politico article which we all know is left serving giant. Somewhat egotistical in its wisdom and we all know what happens with two egos in the room.

So I’ll lay out my thoughts and move on..

Trump has proven himself time and time again, ego aside. Let’s say we are moving into a digital currency, which looks to be the case, Trump just moved thousands of people into that age by requiring a digital wallet to order his NTF. I’ll bet most didn’t have one. And as stated above for a nice chunk of change in 12 hours. As for McCarthy we all know he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How could he not be. An old bastion of the system from California no less. This support is so off the wall that I believe he does have an ulterior motive. One we’ll just have wait see. He does nothing, besides open his mouth and say what’s in his mind without a well laid out plan. Personally I can’t wait to see what it is...

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Ok, so what in your wildest dreams could Trump do that would make any, real difference to a vicious, bloodthirsty criminal gang now in control of the federal government? Do you imagine Trump as a modern Caesar who will cross the Potomac w his legions and send the DC crooks fleeing to Europe? Because short of that--- short of the US military at his back-- there is nothing Trump or anyone else can do to free us from the Cartel and its henchmen. That was the lesson of November 1963. And every President since has absorbed that lesson and taken heed.

People, the mob is in charge of the neighborhood. They are not giving up their shakedown racket and illegal scams unless someone stronger forces them out. Does anyone know someone like that? I dont.

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" If you're NOT wrong, then what the hell ... we're in big, big trouble, and the best you'll be able to say is, "Told you so!" But then you'd have had to already come up with your own plans to save this country..."

Right or wrong, jt, we ARE in big trouble. I confess to being new to this stack (h/t The Farm), but if we cannot all agree that this country currently is controlled by a criminal Cartel (or what i presume PM calls Enterprise Fraud), then the last 6 years have been wasted on us.

We ARE in big trouble. Frankly I don't see any point in what you or PM or others are even arguing here because the Criminals in control of DC (and their cartel collaborators in Media, Tech, Pharma, Wall Street, Davos, ECB, EU, et al ) are *not* giving up power by any electoral or political process. So Speaker of the House?? What a joke. Only a fool now believes that Congress has any real power over the Cartel-- or put differently, that even the Truest Blue Superman Patriot of All Time could make any, real change against the Cartel. These people have no compunction bribing, extorting, or killing anyone-- JFK for ex..-- posing a threat to their power. Instead they give us the illusion of choice, keep us focused on these petty issues like 2024 and SOTH and Desantis vs Trump blah blah blah... Federal elections are fake. They serve only to deceive the weak and naive that all is well and if we just elect better people the evil will end.

The evil won't end until the system crashes in upon itself (as corrupt criminal enterprises always do) or there is a military revolt/Caesar that forcibly ends the Cartel. There is no plan to save the country that doesn't involve the collapse of everything we now know. So stop it with McCarthy or Ryan or Pelosi or whomever. That's the circus and it's got nothing to do with real change.

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We don't disagree. Of course speaker doesn't matter if the system around him/her isn't torn down and rebuilt as it needs to be! That's the point. You have no idea why Trump (and MTG for that matter) have decided on McCarthy for speaker. I highly doubt it's bc the two of them, and others, have any great respect for his patriotism. He's an obvious RINO! But they need a Speaker they have some or lots of influence over.

It's much more likely to me that they and the MAGA / America First team with them has made a deal with him, perhaps for special counsels / tribunals to actually bring the criminals to justice. Perhaps the deal includes what they know and can use against him to end his career or worse (like perhaps FTX-SBF connections, and more?) if he refuses or betrays them. I don't know. But neither do you ... that's the first point.

The second point is that if Trump et al are lying about it all and are simply ingeniously controlled opposition, supporting the swamp while pretending to be bringing it down, then we're totally screwed beyond all human help (God's help clearly not excluded). That's possible ... but IMO, and in the opinions of many others I respect, that's highly improbable. So give him the leeway and playing room he needs.

This is the highest level 5th generation info-warfare we've ever seen, and you and I are not in the game ... we are peripheral to the decision-making, even if better informed than most. Better to admit that you are not privy to what's going on with the inner core team and don't fully understand why he's doing and saying what he has been and not let your frustration direct your thoughts and your expressions of them. I think we are soon to start to find out exactly what the plans have been.

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No, we disagree. The criminality is so pervasive and vicious at the fed level that none of the things you imagine will happen. We don't have to be in the know. We can see what happens to people who threaten the Cartel. They are killed (jfk), extorted (Nunes, Gaetz), bribed (McConnell) or run out of town or prosecuted (J6). We are beyond anything short of the military enforcing the constitution or a complete collapse. What you are hoping for is fairy dust and distraction from reality and ugly truth.

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So, "the military" ... you understand exactly of whom you are speaking and exactly what they plan to do. Right? You're privy to their plans? Who was it that told you that the military is the only way? Maybe you're right and you understand everything that has happened and is going to happen. Please lay out the details for us ... explain it to all of us here that have already been red-pilled, some of us for decades, and who refuse to swallow the black pill. I have no doubt that there are many here who would love to read your exposition of what you know and how, ie, the sauce.

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I didn't state that the military is *my* preferred option or even a good one. In fact, given the state of the higher officer corps, it would almost certainly be a bad option.

But there are no, good options in the reality we inhabit. A criminal gang controlling all the major levers of power will not give up their power short of being forced out or a collapse of the system where they have no victims left to prey upon.

This doesn't make me black pilled. Our hope such as it is lies with the states. At some point the feds will go too far and it will be up to states to draw a line. The feds won't use force against states, just economic tools (a la Russia).

But go ahead and waste your time w federal elections and all the charade of national politics. I don't have all the answers but i can see the fraud thrown at us clearly enough.

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Good piece. I would point out that Trump did raise 5 million in under 24 hours with the NFT. And because people who parted with their $99 received something of ‘value’ he nicely skirts some otherwise knarly campaign finance laws. I agree he missed the mark by placing this in front of the policy speech. But as a fundraising ploy, it was absolutely brilliant.

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Following the news cycle (shortly after you wrote this piece), I think we can deduce Trump’s rationale for this decision. The kangaroo court J6 commission recommended that Trump along with other Republican leaders (including McCarthy) be prosecuted by the DOJ. Recall the words of Ben Franklin “We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we will all hang separately.” I think this was pure pragmatism on Trump’s part to protect himself by getting closer to McCarthy who will be beholding to Trump if he assumes the role of SOTH.

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Prove you wrong? Not at all. I've been hoping as time progresses you'd see what I've been insinuating for years now - Trump has always been a CIA asset whose sole purpose was to infiltrate the last bastion of true American patriotism and compromise it. He did just that. His loyalties have never been to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, far from it - he, like all his predecessors since JFK, have done the bidding of the Company, nothing more. JFK paid with his life for threatening to scatter the CIA to the four winds and firing CIA Director, Dulles. He was the LAST American President. The rest are all "Company" men working for Corporate Fascism.

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Dec 19, 2022Edited
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So where does that leave us, Kathie?....a Balkanized America with No-Go zones? WTH?!

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