TRUMP’S CRITICAL COURSE CORRECTION: First USAID, Now Foreign Policy and Always RICO Crimes
ANALYSIS: Trump issues critical foreign policy changes impacting RICO crimes in important, distinct and nuanced ways.
Have you spent any time on President Donald J. Trump’s revamped White House page for news? Putting aside any deep dive into the details in lieu of a simple scroll down the page from one headline to the next begins to read like the schematics to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. There is a significant caveat to MAGAing, though, and it’s this: Before anyone can MAGA, one must determine what it was that MADE AMERICA TERRIBLE. The answer to that question is multifaceted but some domains are in strata layers more important than others. Things like decades-long Chinese infiltration of US agencies, departments and institutions; the resulting cultural Marxism propagated in the form of any acronym, agency or policy in the form of “diversity, equity and inclusion,” Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, “systemic racism” or anything else that turns the Civil Rights movement and Constitutional protections on their heads to facilitate race-based determinations for anything like jobs, entitlements, etc.; and of course an illegitimate President beholden to all of it, like Joe Biden. One of those things found in the top tier of strata is FOREIGN POLICY and it’s examined here with regularity.
Yesterday, President Trump issued ‘One Voice for America’s Foreign Relations,’ which was summarized in the corresponding Fact Sheet to state, “A UNIFIED VOICE FOR AMERICA’S FOREIGN RELATIONS: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order establishing one clear, unified voice for America’s foreign relations.”
This action by President Trump constitutes a major and significant course correction in order to restore the nation back to its constitutional framing and functioning as a Republic.
The very simple explanation for that is this, which opens the Pandora’s Box of historically unprecedented RICO crimes that we have been analyzing for years: The architects of RICO crimes leveraged the federal apparatus and their jurisdictions and authorities therein to build constructs for the commission of enterprise fraud in foreign nations where the profits of those crimes were sourced from US taxpayer dollars, laundered and received back by the same RICO criminals that allocated the funding and created the circumstances to justify the allocation.
In other words, they faked a “pandemic” to steal an “election” to install Joe Biden who picked a fight with Russia [Ukraine] to justify allocating $177 billion in U.S. aid that capitalized on the preceding regime change operations [2014 Euromaidan Revolution and the installation of Volodymyr Zelensky as President of Ukraine] to launder the money [at least $102 billion] and through the complex strata of public:private interfaces, shell corporations and NGOs, received back that money in-part in the form of “campaign donations.”
These RICO criminals exported their fraud to foreign nations that they hijacked in order to avoid criminal jurisdiction at home.
They exported the criminality, generated the profits, laundered those profits and sent the profits back home to themselves.
That all began with FOREIGN POLICY.
For deeper understanding, a review of the explanation for RICO is provided at the bottom.
Lenses are required to properly frame this examination of foreign policy and its importance to RICO crimes and so, let’s make a pair of glasses with this as the first lens:
The obvious and immediate takeaway is that for far too long, the nation has been managed like a hijacked multinational corporation with war powers – NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
For decades this multinational corporation called America has operated far outside of firm constitutional boundaries and the hijacking party is best described as a conglomerate comprised of the Intelligence Community, the Pentagon, NATO and the State Department.
In RICO nomenclature, these criminals constitute a criminal enterprise.
The second lens in our pair of glasses is this:
I’ll be frank relative to COVID-19 in stating that long before anyone else I positioned the RICO crimes in early January 2020 immediately after the propagated story of a viral outbreak in China and long before the US pandemic declaration on 13 Mar 20.
Things change.
Consider this: DC Internet Searches For “Criminal Defense Lawyer” & “RICO Law” Erupt As DOGE Drains Swamp.
As Trump and Musk’s DOGE continue to drain the DC swamp—and begin dismantling the “off-the-books” shadow government (read: here)—internet search trends for “Criminal Defense Lawyer” and “RICO Laws” have erupted in the DC metro area and surrounding counties, including Northern Virginia and Maryland, according to new internet search trends uncovered by Rasmussen Reports head pollster Mark Mitchell. These spikes strongly suggest that federal workers in the area are scrambling to secure legal counsel.
“Over three times more people in DC are googling “Criminal Defense Lawyer” than anywhere else in the US!” Mitchell wrote on X.
Zero Hedge
Sans the granular details from unparalleled and robust RICO analysis, we can make efficient work of why President Trump’s course correction on FOREIGN POLICY is critical to MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
For complete understanding, we must properly position the US Agency for International Development [USAID], which has been enveloped into one aspect of the spear of US hegemony and diplomacy as illustrated above and which we began to examine more closely back in early 2022.
USAID fits into the illustration as the funding mechanism or in RICO nomenclature, the funding conduit, for the IC/Pentagon/NATO/State Department conglomerate functioning as a criminal enterprise to engage in empire, conquest and war-profiteering to facilitate capacity building in targeted regions and nations across the globe.
Once capacity is effectively established, these constructs assume a lie-in-wait posture for future operations and for example, the 2014 beginnings of the Ukrainian coup that installed Volodymyr Zelensky to begin receiving US taxpayer dollars for laundering and return back to the us following his installation.
I dedicated an entire series to the conglomerate’s RICO crimes in the former USSR satellite nation: THE KEYSTONE OF CORRUPTION.
This illustration explains it:
So does this one:
Note that the $175 billion to Ukraine now stands at a corrected $177 billion and more importantly, $102 BILLION OF THOSE FUNDS WERE NEVER RECEIVED BY UKRAINE, so what happened to the money?
That question is asked and answered by a two-part rhetorical question: What is money laundering and under what statute is it prosecuted.
RICO reigns supreme.
COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation
Now consider the chronology understanding that the detailed analysis underpinning it is published in two separate series with overlap and constitutes a few thousand pages: WAR, FAMINE & DISEASE and THE KEYSTONE OF CORRUPTION.
Let’s begin with the obvious RICO crimes where “RICO crimes” and “enterprise fraud” are used interchangeably and both generally refer to what people commonly call “fraud”: A fake “pandemic” and a stolen “election.”
To begin this examination, this assumption has to be accepted and made: COVID COVER-UP: Spillover or Lab Leak? Neither. It Was A Deliberate Release.
Occam’s will prevail in the explanation.
The aggregate RICO crimes and other significant criminality that attaches to them fall on a very long timeline or chronology.
The individual aspects and components to those crimes all fit into one general continuum, as explained over time, and one general framework, as explained through RICO constructs and architecture.
THE CRITICAL DISTINCTION TO BE MADE FOR PROPER UNDERSTANDING ABOUT LITERALLY EVERYTHING THE AGGREGATE ANALYSIS LAYS-OUT IS THIS: RICO crimes require a construct [of enterprise fraud] that is framed by the architecture that is derived from the agencies, departments, institutions, offices, authorities, jurisdictions, oversights, etc. contained within the federal apparatus and everything interfacing with it [and everything interfaced with those and so on].
The timeline and the architecture serve a very specific purpose and in our case here, that timeline was calibrated specifically to accommodate the date of 03 Nov 2020; the date of the 2020 election.
HERE’S THE NUANCE IN THE DISTINCTION: You can’t control a timeline to achieve a targeted objective that is tied to a specific date unless you control the beginning of that part of the timeline.
In other words, COVID-19 was a construct of enterprise fraud that operationally targeted the 2020 election of 03 Nov 20 in order to impact voting laws permitting the augmentation of existing and new voter fraud mechanisms for the express purpose of installing the predetermined IC/DoD/NATO/State conglomerate proxy, Joe Biden.
Ergo, you can’t fake a “pandemic” to steal an “election” unless you control the precise moment that the “outbreak” occurs.
Occam’s therefore prevails to rule out a random “spillover” or a convenient and impossibly coincidental “lab leak” to dictate that the only logical, rational and plausible explanation for the “outbreak” that would later become the “pandemic” was a deliberate release.
What no one else has told you is that this deliberate release was covered and received deflection from Donald J. Trump’s first impeachment which, was laundered from “Russian collusion” to a fake bad phone call with then President Petro Poroshenko, as indicated for the timelines for both, which braided together like a rope: COVID-19, IMPEACHMENT AND THE W.H.O. BRAID TOGETHER LIKE A ROPE: Overlaying 3 timelines to demonstrate COVID-19 as a political construct shielded by the diversion of impeachment [from March 2020].
Moreover, the timing of the deliberate release permitted the “outbreak” seed to be planted with enough time remaining to germinate, take root and then sprout on 13 Mar 20, when the US made its pandemic declaration.
Remember Fauci’s self-contradicting explanations generally described as worry, don’t worry; not a concern/it’s a concern; no travel restrictions/travel restrictions; don’t mask, mask, etc.?
Explained: COVID COVER-UP: Spillover or Lab Leak? Neither. It Was A Deliberate Release.
So, our first two sets of RICO crimes are already outlined and explained: If two or more people [a criminal enterprise] fake a “pandemic” in order to steal an “election” [“election fraud”], that criminality is prosecuted under RICO statute [and any other applicable statute[s], like perhaps this one: 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason.]
Now, the chronology factors in.
In late December 2020, then President Elect Joe Biden issued a significant forthcoming change in US FOREIGN POLICY to indicate a shift from Trump’s appropriate hyperfocus on China back to the IC/Pentagon/NATO/State Dept. conglomerate’s favorite generational “boogeyman,” Russia: From 2020 Foreign Policy Shift to WWIII in 2024 Biden Marches Us to War [here’s the original piece from 19 Dec 20: CRITICAL: The Pending Pivot Back to Russia].
I concluded my original 19 Dec 20 analysis with this:
The Deep State leviathan sold us all out to China and the CCP for their partnership in assuming full and final control of this once proud constitutional republic. They drove that effort with a false Russia narrative devised to deflect everything away from China and it’s purchase of an illegitimately installed puppet in Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi calibrated her irregular impeachment of President Trump to veil COVID-19 as it was ushered-in and saddled between Christmas and New Years. It then was leveraged to steal the election. We were placed on a war footing with China long ago and at the latest when they released a bio-WMD against this nation back in October.
Now, pending the finality of the Biden win, that war footing is being pivoted back to Russia and it sounds like Congress cares to leverage it further in suppressing the great awakening while further driving the great reset. The pivot back to Russia is here and it’s not going anywhere.
Roughly 3 months later in late February 2022, the US proxy war against Russia had begun in Ukraine and US aid flowing for laundry service and return back to the RICO criminals that authorized and allocated it.
The conduit for it all was USAID.
The primary beneficiaries of USAID RICO crimes were predominantly but not exclusively Democrats.
Biden’s picking a fight with Russia permitted leveraging the RICO architecture that was installed beginning with the 2014 capacity building operations in the form of the Euromaidan Revolution; and that all began with FOREIGN POLICY.
Most folks probably realize that President Trump’s substantial changes to FOREIGN POLICY are critically important.
Most folks do not; however, probably understand how FOREIGN POLICY was the tracks upon which the RICO train plowed through USAID, the US tax base, Ukraine and a lot of other places to unprecedented and historical levels of enterprise fraud that has made victims of every American; even the ones who still support these criminals and their continued efforts to derail the Trump Administration, and enriched these RICO criminals beyond comprehension and to treasonous levels.
What must now come from the Trump Administration is a clear indication that the Department of Justice will investigate, indict and prosecute the RICO crimes of the fake “pandemic” and the stolen 2020 “election” as the inroads to prosecuting the balance of the aggregate criminality.
From there, the Trump Administration must put forth the remedy to COVID-19 RICO crimes, redress those grievances and make whole and compensate the victims of those crimes.
Source: COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation.
Based upon the actions of the first three weeks, it virtually guarantees that RICO is coming.
Thank you for giving us the whole picture and explaining how the pieces fit. Those sons of bitches.
God bless us all, especially DJT🦋