Based upon the actions of the first three weeks, it virtually guarantees that RICO is coming.

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Thank you for giving us the whole picture and explaining how the pieces fit. Those sons of bitches.

God bless us all, especially DJT🦋

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Hello my friend.

I have followed your work almost from the beginning and even that sometimes I couldn’t comprehend or agree completely with your assessment, mostly because my lack of knowledge and understanding of what you were analyzing, not your fault.

I can see now how much your hard work will be very important and valuable for the real exorcism of this Great Republic.

I hope and pray that the new administration have already reached out to you and in case that they haven’t, how can help you.

Thank you again for so many years of suffering because of your indelible patriotism, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.🙏

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Some of the most incisive analysis of the criminal enterprise operating in DC. I appreciate how the new EO will dampen their efforts to attempt more of the same. Let us hope they found the RICO Laws and lawyered up because this should not go unredresssed. The next step towards individual accountability is necessary and important. Thank you to PM for putting this together and showing us their deliberate plays in 2020.

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Spot on my friend! 🎯

For a bit of history, I first found your work online in 2019 and while I had identified the centralized cross society manipulation and inherent fraud, it was your work that brought me to the conclusion of Criminal Enterprise and RICO. I will forever be in your debt for that insight.

I find that the 1776 Report is most enlightening:


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This article is for anyone who has not understood how America foreign policy has been used as the global criminal leviathan that it has become a monster that hurts people not helping anyone anywhere in the world. It’s time we wake up and realize we have been voting in these evil politicians. We are responsible for our own demise.

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