
Imagine a scenario where Russia is 'in on it' at the highest level.

The elite could safely loose a few nukes, couple of cities both sides get turned to green glass. And then 'Globalism saves the day'. You think folk are scared now? Drop a few nukes the sheep give up anything, everything, to make it go away. Klaus and his cat to the rescue.... problem reaction solution.

The problem with the globalists plans is, I hope, that much of the fine detail of transhumanism, global digital currency, social credit passports, depends on a functional power grid. They are poking that and our actual energy systems supply chains VERY hard. They may actually wreck it, unintentionally. No power grid no smart phones, no passports, no digital currency. Or not reliable anyways......

I guess in that case it would be plan B, just direct straightforward force based enslavement. I wonder if all the colonels and captains in various militaries go along? The cabal may not get their way, in the end.

The recent example in the US where the grid went down for some days for some 10,000's of folk, probably just a few well placed hunting rounds. The final resistance? Who knows who did what in that specific, but a pointer to a resistant future?

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As always, first class.

In regards to this: “ Understand this – Since early 2020, we’ve been ruled by an iron fist wielded by domestic traitors and hostile foreign nations and entities…”

I would argue long before 2020. I could go back to the Civil War era for when it “started”. But the minutiae would lose most in the first few sentences.

Or, we could focus on Woodrow Wilson, and his efforts to usher in a new era of globalism.

Instead, we can fast forward to the Communist takeover of Cuba in 1959, and then the election of JFK in 1960. It all links back to there. The events that transpired during JFKs presidency, his assassination, and what happened shortly thereafter provide the contextual history for what is being done to us today.

JFK is central to all of it.

There is a reason why every CIA director, and every President, (including Trump) spanning a period of 60 years, have fought to keep the JFK files under seal.

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