Mar 21·edited Mar 21

The information freely shared here at Moonshine is articulate, and precise and has opened my eyes to the events that occur around me daily.

I am ready to stand up, be heard, and fight back. But there must be a galvanizing entity that can unite everyone under the banner of taking back our freedoms. Otherwise, we are lone wolves fighting at a machine that can pick us off easily one by one. There has to be a coalition.

If there is, I'm in. Enough is enough.

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Daunting. Frightening. Yet I still have faith in some of my fellow Americans to rise to the occasion.

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Plausible but it ain't just China. The Crown, BAR Association, UCC Admiralty Law system, Pilgrims Society, AIPAC and Israel right there alongside China and the BIS, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street controlled Military Industrial Complex.

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I respect quality research and investigation like here on PM. However, is PM able to change direction on some things, or is it set in its perspective? Will a change in direction ruin its image/brand here on Substack? I wouldn't think so. For example, I see that the JFK files will be divulged-they just haven't yet, according to plan. Your "swamp" has been drained since 2016 and it continues. The MSM is under control and now follows the plan (unlike before, anti Mr Trump and pro-Israel rhetoric is subdued). Your 2021 US Inauguration Day wasn't that at all.... Didn't you all notice that conventions/rules/law were not followed in your own country? (Where was it held, in reality? Who took off in Airforce One? And who didn't?) Your Constitutional Republic IS being reinstalled as we speak, and gone is your illegal Federal Corporation, thankfully. Executive Orders installed and ended by Mr T since 2017 have facilitated all this and more. If you live in the USA, have you not noticed the mobilisation of your military? What are they doing flying so close to your White House on a daily basis?!! Isn't there a 35-mile radius "exclusion zone"? Indeed, WE have a military alliance of most of the world at work right now. Be thankful and positive. From my own research, I have become positive :)

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It is rightfully a frightful narrative of our IC. More and more are waking up but I fear no more than 30% will wake up which is not enough to stave off the horror to come. PLEASE authors, give us an inkling of how we can prepare (especially if we do have some resources but not unlimited).

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Patience brings Roses. It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

Rather easy to be a champion for truth, have made the identical case countless times.

Unfortunatly it assumes one has all the necessary information.

That is the problem...

At the same time not excusing really bad decisions...

In any case round 2 is coming but this time, because of reveals like Pol Moonshine and countless others, there are far less sleepers.

Did it have to be this way?

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Exhibit number 3,078 why Drumpf is NOT the answer. A few at least are starting to realize that. Soooo many are still hypnotized

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What’s the better answer?

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RFK by 20 million miles.

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Excellent history of CIA and evolution of the deep state shadow government

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