I can personally confirm this from my service (98C KP) area of focus:


South Korea is not a sovereign nation

And let's not lose sight of the still ignored flashpoint:


Syria is still ramping up...

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I liked your three suggestions to bring to the next Pandemic or set of Pandemics. BBB. Balls, Brains and Back (spine).

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Still makes me want to vomit every day. I have to read your analysis, but I don't have to like it; and every day I feel more helpless. BUT I serve a God that loves me, and I KNOW that I will never be alone, no matter how hard it gets, and I also know that GOD WINS.

May God continue to keep DJT and his administration safe. They are our only hope.

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Pre-informed is pre-armed, imo

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I love your work🔥

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Chyna Ukraine where they hacked Elections

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Greatgameindia.com search Ukraine Biolabs

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