ANALYSIS: On an expedited timeline within a 2-week period of intense escalations, Zelensky goes full circle on Ukraine’s NATO membership as a war trigger.
I appreciate what you share, the breadth and depth of information you present. But every time I read your Stacks on the subject of Dynastic Bush I notice the glaring omission of pre-JFK assassination Dynastic Bush. Notably his father, Prescott Bush. Aka "Hitler's Banker." Banking partnership with Thyssen family that built Hitler's war machine, the tanks, bombers, bombs and bullets used to kill Americans, sheltered the profits of war, had bank seized in 1943 - two years after US entry into WWII - for Trading With the Enemy. Prescott Bush's bank partnership with Brown Brothers Harriman, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan. All families intertwined since at least the Reconstruction Era that followed the US Civil War. All families that invested in and built up Hitler in Germany post-WWI. All families that support the Fascism governing model they glowingly reviewed Mussolini and Hitler for imposing. All families that support the eugenics "Final Solution" they deem the elimination of "Useless Eaters" that Hitler used in Germany, not only against Jews. George HW Bush joined the US Navy just a few days before Prescott Bush's bank was raided by the federal government for its dealing with Hitler - tipped off and he put on the uniform to deflect criticism from Dynastic Bush for being traitors. Staged submarine rescue at sea Navy aviator photo op he used to portray himself as military hero the rest of his career with. (Just like John Kerry's fake medals awarded for his treasonist Vietnam service, oldest trick in the book for aspiring politicians.) Bush's bank had all assets returned after WWII with the help of the Dulles brothers who cleared him of wrongdoing and whitewashed his treason heading up the OSS/CIA
Bush Crime Family Syndicate acquired its wealth and status literally off the blood of American patriots it sacrificed in war. All of this is easily found in the interwebs, disclosed in sources considered "credible," including the MSM. Evidence records are even in the National Archives - same agency weaponized to raid Mar-a-Lago.
How can a Big Picture come full circle re: Dynastic Bush when you omit the near-century before the JFK assassination (when GHWB was leading CIA Ft Worth office when JFK was assassinated a few miles away in Dallas) that links that disgusting, demonic family bloodline to countless other atrocities committed against the US? Up to and including everything since, China-First, Surveillance State the entire government Cabal has been built around?
I think that once you see this world stage a little more clearly, the Hegelian Dialectic revealed, it become apparent that none of this is about money, but rather it is control, as land and resources allow Totalitarianism. A velvet glove approach versus Stalinesque or name your dictator of choice.
I believe that the greatest cost of this shadow war has been the formenting of distrust. Again with the Hegelian Dialectic mentioned above, the modus operandi has been to infiltrate and subvert all that is good. Logical ecological conservation, human rights, the choice versus illusion of competition, etc.
It can be weary to second guess everything, yet that is the world that is revealed.
Our moral and ethical compasses, our faith, is the the one thing we can truly rely on. That, and questioning all 'gatekeepers' of any truth.
Political Moonshine's analysis are wonderfully in depth and I appreciate all that which he turns his lens on. None of us have the whole picture, but his work shines a spotlight on areas that matter.
I appreciate what you share, the breadth and depth of information you present. But every time I read your Stacks on the subject of Dynastic Bush I notice the glaring omission of pre-JFK assassination Dynastic Bush. Notably his father, Prescott Bush. Aka "Hitler's Banker." Banking partnership with Thyssen family that built Hitler's war machine, the tanks, bombers, bombs and bullets used to kill Americans, sheltered the profits of war, had bank seized in 1943 - two years after US entry into WWII - for Trading With the Enemy. Prescott Bush's bank partnership with Brown Brothers Harriman, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan. All families intertwined since at least the Reconstruction Era that followed the US Civil War. All families that invested in and built up Hitler in Germany post-WWI. All families that support the Fascism governing model they glowingly reviewed Mussolini and Hitler for imposing. All families that support the eugenics "Final Solution" they deem the elimination of "Useless Eaters" that Hitler used in Germany, not only against Jews. George HW Bush joined the US Navy just a few days before Prescott Bush's bank was raided by the federal government for its dealing with Hitler - tipped off and he put on the uniform to deflect criticism from Dynastic Bush for being traitors. Staged submarine rescue at sea Navy aviator photo op he used to portray himself as military hero the rest of his career with. (Just like John Kerry's fake medals awarded for his treasonist Vietnam service, oldest trick in the book for aspiring politicians.) Bush's bank had all assets returned after WWII with the help of the Dulles brothers who cleared him of wrongdoing and whitewashed his treason heading up the OSS/CIA
Bush Crime Family Syndicate acquired its wealth and status literally off the blood of American patriots it sacrificed in war. All of this is easily found in the interwebs, disclosed in sources considered "credible," including the MSM. Evidence records are even in the National Archives - same agency weaponized to raid Mar-a-Lago.
How can a Big Picture come full circle re: Dynastic Bush when you omit the near-century before the JFK assassination (when GHWB was leading CIA Ft Worth office when JFK was assassinated a few miles away in Dallas) that links that disgusting, demonic family bloodline to countless other atrocities committed against the US? Up to and including everything since, China-First, Surveillance State the entire government Cabal has been built around?
All true, but what goes around always comes around. It’s only the matter of timing now.
I think that once you see this world stage a little more clearly, the Hegelian Dialectic revealed, it become apparent that none of this is about money, but rather it is control, as land and resources allow Totalitarianism. A velvet glove approach versus Stalinesque or name your dictator of choice.
I believe that the greatest cost of this shadow war has been the formenting of distrust. Again with the Hegelian Dialectic mentioned above, the modus operandi has been to infiltrate and subvert all that is good. Logical ecological conservation, human rights, the choice versus illusion of competition, etc.
It can be weary to second guess everything, yet that is the world that is revealed.
Our moral and ethical compasses, our faith, is the the one thing we can truly rely on. That, and questioning all 'gatekeepers' of any truth.
Political Moonshine's analysis are wonderfully in depth and I appreciate all that which he turns his lens on. None of us have the whole picture, but his work shines a spotlight on areas that matter.
This is Moonshine we should all drink. More power to you.
I wonder of the break up of the USSR in 1991 was part of the plan all along.
Have you read this?